Obtaining Kinah with Alchemy

One of the first professions that appears in a MMO is Alchemy - the one in support of profession that many guilds look for once they start assembling their end game needs.

In Aion, this profession is constantly on the provide since it does in other games - with potions and scrolls for use in end-game content. Along with those items, Alchemists may also put together spellbooks and orbs to be used by casters.

Steps to make Some Kinah

When it comes to how best to create a profit with Alchemy, there are some ways that are likely to turn a good profit hanging around, no matter how you appear at them. The very first of these is to create the necessary potions and scrolls for end-game content. You’ll fare better if you gather your personal materials, but many end game items produced by Alchemists will cost more than the types of materials you buy in the Trade Broker.

The hot button is to find a great place to sell them. You have the Trade Broker, however for many Alchemists, a much better route would be to set up shop beyond instances as well as in fortresses in the Abyss where one can market straight to the players who require the items most. In this instance, you can usually make use of a markup of between 50% and 100% at these locations because of the convenience factor (also , since even veterans regularly forget to choose them up before they go out of the capitals).

Different ways to Make Kinah

Potion brokering isn't the only way to create Kinah with an Alchemist though. Additionally, you are able to load up on manastones and employ your manastone conversion capability to change them into ones that sell far better. A Level 450 Alchemist with a decent stock of reagents can change the worst manastones possible (which can cost less than 500-10,000 Kinah) into top sellers like Attack, Critical Strike, and Flight Time - which sell for 5+ digits in the Trade Broker.

So far as professions in Aion choose making Kinah, Alchemy is probably the most profitable for any variety of reasons. Along with helping you save immensely whenever you reach level 50, it's more than one method to make money from consumables and to transfer materials so they sell better. If you're interested in a straight Kinah making profession, this really is one of the firstly you should consider for the character.
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